Not Just Eck

It’s weird just how supporters of the No campaign like to tie the cause of Scottish self-determination exclusively to Alex Salmond. Well, that’s flat-out wrong and a little bit sad. It’s a huge, diverse movement, and if Eck were to disappear off the face of the earth, it would continue unabated.

At some point, head along to AyeTalks – and pick a talk, any talk.

Businessperson Ivan McKee, Teacher/poet Jenny Lindsay, Lawyer/human rights activist Aamer Anwar, Theatre owner Kieran Hurley, Actress/comedian Elaine C Smith, Women’s rights activist Carol Fox – none of them nationalists, none yelling like lunatics, but carefully and cogently spelling out their reasons for voting Yes – for the opportunity to make a better country.

To take courage in ourselves and our abilities. To be in charge of our own destiny with the security that being in control of our lives brings.


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